Change in BMR―Experiment Extending the Survival Time of Nude Mice

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Group C: nude mice housed in standard animal housing system (N = 5)
Group R: nude mice housed in Electron-Rich animal housing system (N = 5)

BMR is considered one of the indicators of aging.

After 14 weeks of age, the average BMR per body weight of nude mice in Group R was significantly larger than that of Group C. It was suggested that the aging process of nude mice in Group R may be slower than that of Group C.

As shown in the following Related Article, the mean survival time of Group R was about 19% longer than that of Group C, and the difference in mean survival time between the two groups was statistically significant.

From the above, it was considered that the Electron-Rich housing conditions of Group R may have extended the survival time of nude mice by delaying the age-related decline in BMR.

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